All the miles of a hard road are worth a
moment of true happiness.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Really Really Free Market

I am really really thrilled to tell you about the really really free market(from here on I will simply call it RRFM!) RRFM started out of San Fransisco. Now they are popping up in cities all over the world. RRFM's are exactly what the name says: free markets. Groups of people gather together and set up these markets. Sometimes they are in parks, sometimes they are in parking lots and I even know of one city that holds theirs under a high way over pass. People put out what ever they want to give away and other people come and take it. No money, no bartering, no trading...just FREE! At some markets people come and entertain with free music, sometimes people come and donate their services (any one want a free massage?)No matter what it is all free with no strings attached.

This is such a great way to help curb consumerism. Keeping perfectly good items out of land fills and passing on used items for free rather then at a price. A lot of people donate their old things to thrift stores. But then people have to go out and pay to have even this un wanted stuff. I personally don't have a problem with these organizations. Although I have heard people voice their disstane for some of these organizations based on where and how the money from these donations are spent and who it benefits or lack there of. I just think coming together for the common good and not having to have a penny in your pocket is the most beautiful thing!

I live in a city of over two million people and was pretty bummed to find out there isn't a RRFM already happening here. Since I love a challenge I have started setting the stage for Las Vegas' first RRFM. I have already found many others who are eager to jump in and get their hands dirty in making this happen. RRFM's are created by groups and not individuals so I am so happy to have a team to work with. I will post some links below. My mom is going to start one in her town. She is in her sixties and lives in a town with only 18,000 people. So no matter how big or small your city is and no matter what your age or background is you can start a RRFM in your town. So why not start a RRFM in your town? Whats stopping you, come on and lets spread the love together...the FREE love!


  1. Awesome thing to do! I'd sure love to stroll over one of these markets!

  2. Angela, you should get one going in the springs, if there isnt one already there! I am greening Vegas one peice of my junk at a time...LOL!
